Archive for March 2012

How orange can you get?


This one's personal. I've been thinking of buying an orange blouse or a dress these days to add color to my closet. Enough of the black, gray, white, tan, for this season. I wanna be bold and bright. So I checked the net for some sun-kissed-colored-clothing, behold:

Floral Lace Top. Tomato, 550php 

River Island Chiffon Pocket Blouse at ASOS
Shades of Orange at Red Online

Will post my orange outfit as soon as i got one! ciao!



Since Thea and I rarely see each other on weekends, we opted to put  "yuppie" outfits on our blog instead.

Note that we cannot be too liberal as far as dressing up for work is concerned so we cannot go overboard on accessories and outfits; we tend to veer away from the stiff black blazer and pencil skirt every  once in a while though...

These pictures were taken at the office so we were paranoid that someone would see us or walk in on us and we'll get reprimanded. Can you sense the awkwardness in my (Fran's) photo??? :|

Tips on outfit posts and poses are most welcome!!!


In , by Francesca, Monday, March 5, 2012

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